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Sitter available

Reliable, Trustworthy, non-smoker, ready to look after your home & love your pet



They have no testimonials

Pet experience

Dog(s), Cat(s), Horse/Donkey(s), Chicken(s), Fish, Rabbit(s), Rodent(s) – We are really big pet-loving people. Perhaps we do not would kuddle a krokodile :-)

Police check

They have a police check


From: 13 September 2023
Until: 6 October 2024
(see their busy times below)




They have referees/references (view below)

About this sitter

Hello, it's nice to meet you here.
We are Catharina and Frank, a dynamic and reliable couple from Germany. We are well trained and have some great expiriences to be Houssitters.

Corona: We both have 3 vaccinations and both are recovered from an infection. It is important for us to be safe and clear on these issues.

Availebility 2023: we will stay in Vancouver Island until 13th September. From there we are free to travel and be your sitter until the beginn of October.

Who we are:
Catharina is a psychologist and scientist and Frank is a teacher for German and sport, he ist retired. We are notsmoking, very easygoing, friendly and absolutely trustworthy and reliable. Since June 2021 we live as Housesitters in the northwest of Ireland in a absolut fantastic area close to Donegal. From October we are free for new house- and petsit expiriences and offers.
-> October until December 2022
We like to move to another place in the North-mittle of Europe between October and December (will spend christmas with our children and Family in Germany)
-> From January 2023
We will travel around or stay on one place from January 2023. So we are free to take a housesit everywhere and wanted to stay a minimum from one month. We like to stay a longterm sit, but it ist also intresting to move from time to time. So please feel free to contact us.

We love animals -> our expiriences with them
It would be a great pleasure to be your housesitter to live with your pets because we love to live with them and we always have a lot of fun with animals. Since 2016 we travel as housesitters from time to time and met and cared for a lot of animals: joung and energieful funny puppies .. and also old dogs and horses who have special needs and need some medicin. It is very important to us not only to care for the animals, but also to emotionally bond with them and to cuddle with them if they like it. We will also send you some pictures from your loveley bodys and some stories, so you will be happy and relaxed, that your pets in best hands and the communication will be clear and caring.

We especially love dogs and cats, donkeys, horses, goats and sheeps and others like lamas or snakes ... and have good expiriences with them. But really: there is no animal we do not like it. Hmmm ... maybe we would not cuddle with a crocodile ...????
In New Zealand Catharina met an old horse and fell in love with it. It was a pretty beautiful animal: old, but proud. And in New York City she had an interesting meeting with the snake "Fluffy" - it was an anaconda and Catharina was really fascinated. Both we have also expiriences with horses and dunkeys and Frank felt in love with goats and would like to spend time with this funny animals, if there would be the possibility.

Nature und surroundings:
We love to stay in nature, take some long walks, making yoga and sports. We love to explore new areas and sourroundings and are very able and fit. We also value nature and take care of it so that no trash ends up in it or will be damages it in any other way.
And we are very open to neighborhood, help each other and be careful of their needs or positions. It is intresting to learn about the culture and kind of art to life . We also like to stay in other citys / Landscapes because we are intersted in cultur and art.

Our Competences
In addition, we are both very good driver, drive cars, motorcycles (Catharina) and dare to learn other things quickly like a trec ???? Catharina also learned a craft before and we are both technically well versed. We are able to care a garden and your plans in your house.

It is very important to us to take the mutual confidence of Haussitter and Houseowner-Arrange- ment seriously and very respectful of those entrusted with animals, plants and things people. Our goal would be for you to be happy when you come back, the animals are relaxed and also happy, the plants have been through everything well and are in full force and ... we also had a very nice time that we love and think back joy.
We are happy and looking forward to your interest. Catharina and Frank

Why they want to house sit

We are Housesitters since 2016 and it is fantastic idea. We love to travel as sitters because we met so wonderful people, pets, different cultures and landcapes. That is a great gift. Our motivation is to live in a natural stile for a longer or midterm time in a natural environment. It is a different feeling in a "real" space / house / apartment to live and also even with animals that are there at home . It is our goal to travel not to experience from a purely touristic perspective, but be close to the everyday life to be able to land. It fills us with joy when we could care for the animals. In our normaly days at home we are not able to have our own pets, because I have to travel sometimes for my job, that not alowed to have pets in a good way. So in that way we decide exactly, when it is the pet-time and when it is jobtime. so this is the perfect way for us and would a win-win-situation for you and us.

Their experience

We have been housesitters since 2016 and have lived as housesitters in New Zealand, New York City, Portugal, Spain, France,Switzerland, Itailen, Germany and Ireland. We booked this via a nother website and are new on this here, so here we have not some References. But if you are interested and like to see our Refereces, we will help you to find some in net.
We have cared for so many different and wonderful pets and have loved them all. We are able to care for dogs and cats, horses and donkeys, chickens or goats. For old animals as well as for young ones that have a lot of urge to move or just as when animals need medication. We are loving, humorous and clear companions for your animals.

What can they bring to the assignment

We come together as a pair, so that the care is guaranteed throughout. Inside Europe we come with our own car, outside from Eurooe we will see and discuse with you what is needed and how it can go. We are friendly in your neighborhood and with contacts, speak good English and are able to find our way in foreign environments. We are good handcraft and able to manage a house. We are both very good comunicators and able in tecnical and digital quetions. I am a fotografer and a filmer and Frank is a germanteacher.

Last updated: 4 August 2023

Available to house sit

Canada, Caribbean, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Availability dates

From: 13 September 2023
Until: 6 October 2024

They have indicated that they are busy at the following times:
1 October 2022 to 25 February 2023

Do they charge?

They don't charge for house sitting services


MindMyHouse member since 2022

Personal details

Age: 56-65 years old
Family status: Couple

Total sits

Total completed house sits: 0


This member hasn't got any testimonials yet.


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About this house sitter

MindMyHouse member since June 2022