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Seventh heaven in Italy's green heart urgently in need for guardien angels

Italy, Poggi, Umbria


  • Cat(s)

As to Miep and Louis: they are still young (turned to 1 year end of April) and they are real ‘people cats’: they love to caressed, they will join you when you are doing chores and even on relatively long walks! Nevertheless they are not allowed to come


  • 30 Nov 2024 to 18 Feb 2025 (8 sitters have applied for these dates)


They have 2 testimonial s (view below)


They have WIFI

About this assignment

For family reasons i’m rather late with my ad. Please excuse me for that.
I’m looking for two reliable persons (not necessarily a couple) to keep an eye on our property from appr. 30 November till appr. 18 February 2025. I expect you to take care for our cats, Miep and Louis, to keep our home and garden well maintained and tidy and to warn me, when things are going wrong. As to Miep and Louis: they are still young (turned to 1 year last April) and they are real ‘people cats’: they love to be caressed, they will join you when you are doing chores and even on relatively long walks! Nevertheless they are not allowed to come into the houses, since our grandson is very allergic for cats and when they would leave their traces, he cannot visit seventh heaven anymore.
I also would like you to take care for eventual holiday guests and to guide eventual workawayers. Of course we will leave a list of chores for them and will instruct them before leaving. This section is hardly applicable in wintertime.
Apart from wintertime we welcome especially keen gardeners. Experience with gardening is an advantage, enjoying gardening is an extra!
Some technical skills are in favour, as also having your own car.

Apart from the period mentioned, we regularly need house sitters. Every winter for a longer period of appr. 3 months, from late November up to mid February. If you may be interested in that wintersit (as well) please let us know.
Also during the year we feel the need to hug our (grand)children abroad every now and then. We don't want to leave our property uninhabited. Therefore we invite you, preferably real Italy lovers, to take over our role.

What responsibilities are required of the house sitter

I don't want to leave our property uninhabited.
Your main task is being a stand-in/substitute for me, being the acting manager and solve minor problems.
As to the chores we would like you to do: taking car for the cats, maintaining the (vegetable) garden and the (pot) plants, taking care of eventual guests and keeping an eye on the property and its technical infrastructure.
Of course I would appreciate to be kept informed about how things are going, specially about eventual problems and your interventions.
For major problems please contact me so that we can decide together how to solve them, who we need for a solution etc.
For the rest I would appreciate if you would like to do some works, which may be needed, but the time of slavery is over. In our experience the best works are done by people who love to benefit us with their skills.

Of course there are always extra chores. If you would like to be kept busy, you don't have to fear that you will get bored:-)
Most people here like to be busy. Work in the garden is a perfect reason to stay outside and to enjoy the beautiful and peaceful site.
The required technical skills are the 'normal' skills which one needs, living in the Italian country side. It is necessary to be able to understand, manage and control the technical infrastructure, like heating and water supply. After a thunderstorm – or other reasons for an interruption in the delivery of electricity - systems have to be controlled and eventually reset.

It is very important to be keen on warning someone, either me or the electrician/ plumber (preferably both) and not doing things by yourself, which could cause any damage to the systems, which are all relatively new.

What are the good features of the property and location

Our property really is a paradise in Italy's green heart. It will offer you rest, peacefulness and inspiration to write, compose or practise other forms of art. It is in the midst of Etruscan civilisation, near to Orvieto with its famous Gothic Cathedral. Besides you will find many interesting signs of later history and art as well, e.g. from the Roman period and Renaissance.
This part of the south of Umbria borders with Tuscany and Lazio. You will find loads of interesting tiny cities and villages in the nearness. Rome as well as Florence are at reach by train (1 resp. 1,5 hrs).

What does the house sitter need to consider before applying for this assignment

To increase the possibility to agree with one another it is important to me to know whether you are (non) smokers. I absolutely want to be sure to find a non smoked home, when I will return.

Utilities: this section is less applicable in summer, since you don’t have to use gas for heating. A moderate family of 4 persons uses in summer at max. 1m3 gas per day for cooking and warm water, assuming that you take short showers. You can follow your consume on the meter. Most people respect the scarse water situation and take only short showers. I will not charge you for electricity in summer.

In winter I have to follow a different policy. Since I cannot influence your attitude and behaviour towards energy consume, it seems reasonable to ask you to pay your utility bills.
Because of the remoteness of the property we have an LPG-tank; that gas is pretty expensive (more expensive than when you tank it for your car). According to our contract we pay €5 per m3. To keep your costs as low as possible, we lodge you in one of the apartments. Furthermore we can provide you with wood for the wood stove (17€ 100kg).
A well-considered use of the central heating, on the other hand, will give you a good control of your costs. The apartment heats up very quickly. House sitters/guests who used the central heating, mainly shortly in the morning spent on gas appr. €6,50 per day, so appr. €195 per month, cooking and showering included. Apart from winter you will not need the central heating very much. If any heating is desired in autumn or spring the wood stoves will be sufficient.
It would not be reasonable to charge you for the entire electricity bill, because the property itself consumes electricity, mainly for water pumps. Most properties don't have a separate meter for infrastructural electricity consume, neither our seventh heaven. By experience we know that the electricity consume of our guests is €5,50 per day.
Wifi is free.

Can I bring my own pets?

No, sorry.

Last updated: 21 October 2024

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Amazing people and beautiful nature

This summer I was Edith and Willem's house sitter for five weeks. We spent the first week together so that I could get to know the place, the house, the two kittens Louis and Miep. During this week I got to know Edith and Willem as extremely open, warm, humorous, understanding people. It was really a pity that they left. Contacting Edith via Whatsapp messages regarding the electrician, rapair of the waterpump, guest house rentals, cats, car repairs, etc. was not a problem. The two little kittens Louis and Miep were only 2.5 months old when I arrived. Two very dear cuddle masters who are not afraid to demand their cuddle quantum. I took them to the vet to get their first vaccinations, gave Miep her extra vitamin pills and they followed me everywhere. It wasn't that easy sometimes because they were constantly walking between my feet :) I spent my time taking care of the cats, watering the flowers, to weed weeds, cleaning the swimming pool, discuss repairs with the electrician, mowing the grass, preparing the guest apartments for rent, cooking and listening to good music. The highlights were often the shared meals with Edith and Willem and some workawayers or the holiday guests on the "Piazza". A big advantage was the provision of the jeep, as I could use it to travel to the nearby villages of Ficulle, Fabro or Orvieto to do some shopping. The place "Il settimo cielo, The seventh heaven" is simply gorgeous. I've often looked over the Umbrian hills and thought to myself: "Is this real?" I really enjoyed my time there and took Edith and Willem to my heart as good friends. I would be very happy to visit them again and I will probably be very surprised how big Louis and Miep have become :) I can only highly recommend this place for anyone who wants to be a housesitter.

Ingrid, Norway, 29 Aug 2023

  • Friendly
  • Reliable
  • Tidy
  • Organised
  • Helpful with problems
  • Kept in contact
  • Gave good instructions

De 7e hemel.

Al settimo cielo, Hoe toepasselijk kan een naam zijn ? 4 maanden mochten wij oppassen op het “landgoed “ van Willem en Edith. Dit was onze eerste opdracht,en eerlijk gezegd hadden we het niet beter kunnen treffen. Na onze digitale kennismaking was ons al snel duidelijk dat Willem en Edith ons het volste vertrouwen zouden geven tijdens ons verblijf. Eenmaal in Ficulle mochten we de gastvrijheid ook life ervaren en werd ons al snel duidelijk dat we onze houssit mochten invullen zoals we dat zelf prettig vonden. Voor ons hield dat vooral in alle dagen een aantal uren tuinen in de prachtige parkachtige terrassentuin. Eenmaal in de week de technische installaties controleren. Dagelijks een rondje langs en soms in de zwemvijver. Wat ons vooral goed heeft gedaan is de perfecte communicatie op momenten van twijfel of problemen. Verder hadden we min of meer de vrije hand. We hebben veel hout gezaagd voor de kachel waarmee we onze studio verwarmden. Ook konden we ons vermaken met het nodige schoonmaakwerk,zowel in het huis als in de prachtige grotten. Heel praktisch was ook het gebruik van de jeep, als we de wekelijkse boodschappen gingen doen. Naast dit alles hebben we ook niet vergeten te genieten van de rust en natuur in dit hof van Eden. Hartstochtelijke lezers die we zijn is het ook fijn te vermelden dat we gebruik konden maken van de niet geringe bibliotheek. Al met al zou ik iedereen zo een opdracht gunnen en zou ik adviseren snel te reageren als er weer een oproep staat in dit prachtige deel van Umbrië. Lieve groet Harry , Ingvild en Sammy

Harry, Netherlands, 15 May 2022

  • Friendly
  • Reliable
  • Tidy
  • Organised
  • Helpful with problems
  • Kept in contact
  • Gave good instructions